Our Focus & Work

Transforming lives

The Peel Group Foundation selects projects and initiatives that align with our core values priding ourselves not just on transforming landscapes but enhancing people's lives through a long-term vision.

The sectors we support embrace the advancement of people's health and wellbeing, relieving sickness and ill health, protection of our culture and heritage, supporting and enriching young lives, prevention or relief of poverty including tackling homelessness and protection of the physical and natural environment.

Although the Foundation was only established in 2022, we are working in alignment with teams across the Peel Group portfolio of investments who have been active in the charitable sector for many years, and the projects we are showcasing here are those that have been, and will continue to be, supported.

Healthcare & medical research

The promotion of health and the saving of lives by supporting the advancement of people's physical and mental wellbeing to relieve illness and poor health. Supporting and encouraging research and innovation to ensure the latest advances in healthcare and treatment are available to all.

Culture & Heritage

Protecting and enhancing cultural and heritage projects and educating and inspiring the next generation to appreciate and enjoy our natural world, culture and heritage.

Education & Support for the Young

Supporting the advancement of education and enriching young lives through organisations which empower, inspire and build confidence and resilience. We seek in particular to support the most vulnerable and complex children, young people and families affected by ill health, bereavement, financial hardship or disadvantage.


The prevention or relief of poverty alongside community development - helping to support the marginalised within our communities including tackling homelessness. Working with partners to develop a housing led community with wrap around support to help re-integrate the vulnerable back into society. In addition, the provision of land and resources to address community health disparities.


The Foundation is focussed on the advancement of environmental protection or improvement by conservation of the physical and natural environment. We're committed to supporting environmental and natural green projects and increasing biodiversity in the region so the natural environment can be enjoyed by many generations to come.